Advertisement for Knoll Associates, Inc. Herbert Matter, ca. 1948. Featuring Stig Lindberg's Apples, Astrid Sampe's Sampe Stripe, and Noemi Raymond's Chinese Coins.
Advertisement for Knoll Associates, Inc. Herbert Matter, ca. 1954. Featuring Eszter Haraszty's Fibra and Triad among other textiles.
Advertisement for Knoll Textiles Inc. Herbert Matter, 1955. Featuring Astrid Sampe's Rugby.
Advertisement for Knoll Associates, Inc. Herbert Matter, ca. 1963.
Advertisement for Knoll Associates, Inc. Herbert Matter, 1965. Featuring an assortment of Knoll Textiles.
Advertisement for Knoll Associates, Inc. Herbert Matter, 1965. Featuring York.
Advertisement for Knoll International. Featuring Wolf Bauer's Collage, ca. 1969.