Joseph Paul D’Urso, who helped pioneer the “high-tech” movement in interior design, collaborated with Knoll in the 1980s to introduce lounge and table collections. In 2008, he returned to design a new sofa and lounge chair.
D’Urso: “Being as I’ve done interiors for about 40 years, I have a pretty good idea of all the products that are out there. I am constantly looking for things and not finding exactly what I want. So, I use that as a challenge to try to design something that suits the function that I need.
“As far as the sofa is concerned, it’s meant to be a sofa that people can really relax in — something that two people can climb on and curl up in. It’s deep, which I think is really nice. We’re offering it in different depths and different heights, which is a nice feature to have.