Project Profile
Enerkem is a cleantech company dedicated to using new technologies to convert pretreated solid waste into transportation fuels and chemicals. No longer a small company, Enerkem has experienced rapid growth since their founding in 2000.

Necessary New Space
Such growth has called for additional space, but also a more collaborative work environment. With an opportunity to occupy new and additional floors in the same building, Enerkem recognized the need to create a space that promotes productive interactions and overall workplace efficiency. To achieve this, Enerkem looked to Imperatori Design and Burovision, a Canada-based Knoll dealer, to help execute their vision for their new 22,000 square foot office. Together they created a space that is both dynamic and flexible and reflects the core principles of their company culture.
For Enerkem, sustainable practices are of utmost importance. In planning their new space, they wanted to work with a company who was equally committed to having a positive impact on the environment. The rigorous standards around sustainability at Knoll, across design and manufacturing, proved to be in-line with Enerkem’s philosophy and so, a good partner for planning their new space.

Knoll Products in the Workspace
Imperatori Design and Burovision worked together to create a lively space that fosters effective collaboration. The efficient planned space includes a multitude of Knoll systems such as Dividends Horizon, Antenna Workspaces, Anchor, Calibre, Reff Profiles, and Rockwell Unscripted. These systems integrate seamlessly with the compact floor plan and succinctly address the team’s three goals: to increase the number of collaborative areas for a higher exchange of ideas and creativity, to offer a workspace that is attractive and adapts to a variety of work styles, and to incorporate the flexibility for individual and group work.
The core section of workstations was planned with Dividends Horizon for its easy architectural delineation of space and robust versatility. For efficient storage, the team installed Anchor in the conference rooms and Calibre among the workstations. Private offices leverage Reff Profiles and Remix Side chairs for a clean and minimal look. Lastly, a mix of k. lounge with Dividends Horizon X-Base tables come together to create accessible casual settings for work or catching up with a colleague.

Recycled products, such as wood and cork, were implemented in the design to keep in line with Enerkem’s core value of clean growth for Canada and the world. In the cafeteria, black Spark Stacking Chairs surround Dividends Horizon Y-Base Tables, complementing the recycled wood-lined walls and forming a welcoming social space.
Since the move, spontaneous conversation between the employees and departments has increased thanks to a continuous flow of day-to-day exchanges.