The story of Reff Profiles begins in 1964, when three brothers and a friend—Robert, Eric, Frank and Fred—started Reff Furniture with the motto, “Quality. Value. Service.” In 1978, interested in incorporating modular construction into contemporary design, the company moved exclusively to the design and development of office furnishings.
Five years later, System 6 was introduced, a revolutionary wood-panel office system that is still at the heart of Reff Profiles. Knoll acquired Reff and combined System 6 with another Reff product, System Z and rebranded it as simply Reff.
In 2010, 27 years after the System 6 debut, Knoll collaborated with Brian Graham to enhance and expand Reff. Reff Profiles retains the quality for which Reff has always been known, while adding new ideas, proportions and finishes.
Brian Graham: “We’ve really rechristened the classic look for the modern workplace. We’ve created a series of freestanding cabinetry and credenzas that are lifted off the ground, so they communicate lightness in scale and a fluidity that are very modern. The same exact storage componentry comes into the open office, which really fulfills the original Reff promise of total, seamless integration of the workplace.”